Thursday, April 18, 2013

A student's progress

PCF is pleased to report that one of our sponsored students who graduated from University this year has been working steadily towards achieving a sustainable income for himself. Michael graduated from Makere University in January, and sent us an update letting us know of his progress towards financial independence since graduation. Michael, who gained an Upper Second Class honours in Business Administration (BBA), was able to identify a business opportunity in one of the districts near his home. Using the knowledge gained from his studies he conducted a feasibility study, cost requirements and cash flow projections and was able to secure an advance in funds to start his venture - a small shop offering wholesale supplies and services to local persons in the community. Response has been good, and Michael also plans to start stocking mineral water along with the other supplies he currently offers. Michael also recently started a job at a local NGO, and continues to research market demand and expansion opportunities for his business.